Jumat, 11 Maret 2016



The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes of administrationoffice education student faculty of economy Surabaya State University through the implementation of project-based learning model learning on business presentation theme. It is a class act research consisting of two cycles. The subject is students of administrative offices education 2nd semester of academic year 2014/2015. Data is gained from lecturer and students through research instruments for affective aspect, non-test of observation for psychomotor aspects, and through written test instrument for cognitive aspect. Affective aspect is observed from the attitude with 4 assessment aspects using scale of range assessment of 4. Psychomotor aspect is observed through product assessment with 7 assessment aspects using scale of range assessment of 5. Cognitive aspect is observed by written test instrument. The result showed that the implementation of project-based learning model learning improve learning outcomes of students, the percentage of students who complete increase from 50% in the first cycle to 87.5% in the second cycle. Affective aspect indicates achievement increase from 40.62% in the first cycle to 93.75%in the second cycle. As for the psychomotor aspect, increase from 28.13% in the first cycle to 100% in the second cycle.

Keyword (s): Project Based Learning, Learning Outcomes, Business Presentation

Education is essentially an effort to provide the knowledge, insight, skills and specific expertise to individuals to develop their talents and personalities, because it has got the attention of education should be constantly in an effort to increase quality. Education is essentially an effort to provide the knowledge, insight, skills and specific expertise to individuals to develop their talents and personalities, because it has got the attention of education should be constantly in an effort to increase quality. Santyasa in Parma (2005 ) improving the quality of education also means improving the quality of human resources. According Winataputra in Parma (2005) national education goals is to improve the quality of education in every type and level of education.
Based on the observations of researchers in education courses that the administrative offices, the results of study on subjects of public relations, in particular the presentation materials business in 2012 semester student of the academic year 2014-2015 can be categorized economics faculty of Surabaya in low learning outcomes. This is indicated by the value of pre-test at the beginning of the delivery of the material by researchers, the results are very low. This is due to lack of interest and attention of students to the subject matter, of course this will greatly affect student learning outcomes. To increase the interest and attention of the students and also simultaneously improve learning outcomes on student presentation materials business office administration education 2nd half 2012 economic faculty of Surabaya in force, need to be designed so that students' learning model can improve understanding of the concept, so that the problems encountered can be overcome.
With the relevant research beforehand, so that the researchers got the reference of the study conducted by prasada (2014) conducted a research project based learning, entitled Implementation of Model-Based Learning Projec in Subjects Assembling PC To Improve Student Results Class X TKJ2 Public Vocational School 3 Singaraja. Where mastery learning completeness percentage increase of 28.58% with an average value of 66.31 in the first cycle, an average value of 79.10 with 85.71% completeness in the second cycle. So of reference of the researchers got the idea and tend to choose to use alternative the same, namely the application of the model Project Based Learning, because of the application of this model has many benefits that can be achieved, for example: (1) students to be learners active, (2) learning becoming more interactive or multidirectional, (3) be a student-centered learning, etc. Due to project-based learning can provide learning outcomes in the form of knowledge (knowledge), skills (or psychomotor skills) and attitude (attitude or affective), the assessment is carried out for the third realm. Forms of assessment can be either a test or nontes. Project Based Learning is a model or innovative learning approach, which emphasizes learning through activities that complex contextual (Cord, 2001; Thomas, Mergendoller, and Michaelson, 1999) in Trianto (2014: 42). According to Gagne (in Khoerul, 2013) of learning outcomes is an internal capability (capability) which includes knowledge, skills and attitudes that have become private property and allow someone to do something. There are three learning outcomes that should be achieved through this learning process, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. According Munadi (Siswoyo, 2013) where the assessment of learning outcomes, of course, influenced by internal factors and external factors that can alter the student. Where internal factors can be divided into two, namely (1) the general Fisiologis.Secara factor physiological conditions, such as good health, not in a state of exhausted and tired, not in a state of physical disability and so on. This can affect learners to receive course materials, (2) Psychological Factors. Each indivudu in this case the students basically have psychological conditions vary, of course this also influence the learning results. Several psychological factors include intelligence (IQ), attention, interests, talents, motives, motivation, cognitive and reasoning power participants didik.Dan external factors can also be divided into two, namely (1) Environmental Factors. Environmental factors can affect learning outcomes. Environmental factors include the physical environment and natural sosial. Environment eg temperature, humidity and other. Study at midday in the room will be less air circulation would be devastating and would be very different in the morning learning conditions are still fresh and with enough space to breathe. (2) Instrumental Factor. Factors instrumental factor is the existence and use is designed in accordance with the expected learning outcomes. These factors are expected to serve as a means for the achievement of learning objectives that are planned. This instrumental factors such as curriculum, facilities and teachers.
The material in the 2nd half of college public relations for education student administration office is a business presentation with a few sub materials namely; (1) The form for business presentations. (2) Matters to be considered in making a business presentation script. (3) The process of writing the script business presentations. (4) The importance of business presentations for public relations. (5) The basic technique business presentations. Through the implementation of project-based learning models researchers try to help afflictions lecturer in delivering learning materials to students. Based on the above problems, the authors tried to raise this topic into a research titled: “Application of Project Based Learning Model to Improve Student Learning Outcomes On Business Presentation Theme".
A. Methods Research Project Based Learning
According to Thomas cited by Made Wena (2012: 144) "Learning Project Based Learning is a learning model that provides the opportunity for teachers to manage classroom learning with work involving the project". Project work includes complex tasks that require students to design, solve problems, make decisions, investigate, and provide an opportunity for students to work independently.
Sane Kamdi (2008: 7) states "learning projects can be prepared in collaboration with the trainer single or double instructor, while students learn in collaborative groups between 4-5 people". When students work in teams, recording find the skills to plan, organize, negotiate and build consensus on issues of task to be done, who is responsible for each task, and how the information will be collected and presented.
Based on these descriptions can be concluded that the method of project-based learning can improve student motivation in other words students are more diligent and strive to complete the project given by the lecturer.
B. Learning Outcomes
Implementation of learning is learning outcomes. Here's proposed definition of learning outcomes according to experts:
1. Nana Sudjana (2009: 3) student learning outcomes is essentially a change in behavior as a result of learning in a broader sense include the areas of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
2. Dimyati and Mudjiono (2006: 3-4) learning outcomes is the result of an interaction acts and acts of teaching and learning. In terms of teachers, teaching acts ends with the evaluation of learning outcomes. In terms of students, learning outcomes is the end of the teaching of the peak of the learning process.
3. Forijad (1989) defines the learning outcomes is a mental process that leads to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes with process skills and implemented in order to create a progressive and adaptive behavior.
4. Udin S. Winataputra (2007: 110) study results are proof of the success that has been achieved by students in which every learning activity can lead to a change in the typical. In this case study include process skills, liveliness, motivation also learning achievement. Achievement is a person's ability to complete an activity.
From the above opinion can be concluded that the result is the ability to learn the skills, attitudes and skills acquired student after he received treatment given by the lecturers so that they can construct knowledge in everyday life.
C. Business Presentation
In general, a business presentation has four main objectives (Djoko Purwanto, 2006) which can be described below:
1) Inform messages to the Audience Business
One of the goals of the most common business presentation is to convey or inform (inform) business messages to the audience (audience).
2) Entertain Audience
In addition to providing information, business presentation also aims to entertain (entertain) audience. That is, to achieve the goal of business presentations of the speakers need to tuck fresh humor that is able to turn the atmosphere.
3) Touching Emotion Audience
In addition to giving information clan entertaining, business presentations also have a goal to be able to touch the emotions (emotion) audience. With the diction and intonation sounds interesting, a speaker able to arouse the emotions of the audience.

4) Motivate Audience to Action
Provide motivation (motivation) to the audience to do something or act as desired pembicara.Dalam motivate the audience, a speaker needs to express it explicitly clan not use the language of preamble.
Thus, it can be concluded that the purpose of business presentations, among others:
a) informs the business message.
b) Convincing the audience.
c) Persuading the audience.
d) Inspire others.
e) Entertaining the audience.
f) As a means of education for the audience who study the technical presentation.

Results of study subjects public relations business presentation materials at pre-test initial observations of 33 students is obtained by calculating the average of this classical there are 2 of the test and non test, for affective and psychomotor aspects of using research instruments in the form of non-test in the form of observation. Observation of attitude as much as 4 aspects of assessment using a range of assessment scales 4 to affective, psychomotor to use observation as much as 7 aspects of the product assessment using a range of assessment with 5 assessment scale and to use the instrument in the form of cognitive tests, in the form of written tests.
Table 1. Table Conversion Reference Benchmark Assessment Scale 5 (five) level learning outcomes
Level of Learning Outcomes
Very High
Very Low

Implementation of the action on the first cycle through the implementation of project-based learning model of the data obtained is generally not fully reach the expected target. It can be seen from the data classical completeness affective amounted to 40.62% if converted to the benchmark reference Assessment scale five in Table 1 can be categorized as very low with an average of 77.73, next to the psychomotor completeness classical  amounted to 28.13% yield is considered very low when considered in the table 1 assessment benchmark reference scale of five with an average of 73.75 and the cognitive domains in the first cycle completeness classical by 50%, the average value of classical amounted to 68.84 and absorption of classical amounted to 68.84% by students who completed as many as 16 people out of 32 students, the results of the cognitive above if converted to Reference Benchmark Assessment scale five in Table 1 absorption and average classical can be categorized as moderate, while the completeness classical still at the very low category as well with classical completeness total for the third domain of the first cycle is at 39.58%. Based on the results obtained in the first cycle, then corrective measures need to be done in the second cycle to reach minimum completeness criteria 70 on cognitive and psychomotor reached minimum completeness criteria 75 on the affective and classical completeness is more than 85% for all domains as well as the target of classical completeness total for all three domains more than 85%. In applying the model of project-based learning, there are still obstacles to be overcome, these constraints include (1) During the learning process learning activeness of students already apparent, but still not optimal, (2) There are still many students are hesitant in the presentation and provide responses or answers to his friend, (3) The answer given student is still very simple and impressed memorizing it, (4) There are still some students are less developed the ability optimally to answer all the exercises, (5) When designing writing scripts business presentations there are some groups who are less active and less cooperation. Based on the results of the reflection of the need for a solution as the basis for improving the implementation of the action on the second cycle. As a solution, namely (1) To enhance the students' understanding of the learning model is applied, the researchers first had to explain again in detail about the technical learning by using a model of project-based learning, which accepts all complaints of students and then provide motivation and guidance so that students feel ready in the learning process, (2) researchers to motivate students to bring confidence and courage in every presentation of its business and answer exercises, (3) Researchers will invite students to present their business ideas and answer questions directly, more develop affective abilities of students, as well as re-emphasizing the concept of learning independent and active, (4) Researchers will motivate when students apply the technique to make business presentations are nice as well as the work on the problems that can monitor student activities if experiencing difficulty, (5) Research by lecturer teachers motivate students to be challenged to design a power point presentation of the business and look for other learning resources in developing capabilities in the field of public relations is. Based on the results obtained in both the second cycle of the learning process and results of the test, to produce a product, it can be stated already meet the desired target researchers. This can be seen from classical completeness affective reached 93.75%, these results when converted into the benchmark reference Assessment scale five in Table 1. can be categorized as very high with an average of 92.57, followed by classical completeness on psychomotor achieve 100% results if converted into a benchmark reference Assessment scale five in Table 1 can be categorized as very high with an average of 89.28, and the last one on the cognitive mastery klasikalnya reach 87.5% this result if converted into the benchmark reference Assessment scale five in Table 1 can be categorized as high with an average of 75.84.
Table 2. Data of Student Learning Outcomes Department of Economic Education Program Office Administration Education 2012 Faculty of Economics Unesa. At Cycle I and Cycle II




Classical mastery Total



Judging from the above table that a significant increase in the percentage in each domain assessment. Where each sphere has reached the target assessment has been determined that the achievement of individual learning completeness minimum completeness criteria 70 for the cognitive, psychomotor minimum completeness criteria 75 for affective and classical completeness above 85% for all domains. In the cognitive domain absorption reached 75.84%, the average reached 87.5% classical completeness. results of post test the cognitive domain if converted into the benchmark reference Assessment scale five in Table 1 for absorption and average classic can be categorized as very high and the completeness classic can be categorized as very high as well with classical completeness total for all domains in cycle 2 This amounted to 93.75%. This fact shows that the results of the research have surpassed the expected target. This is caused by (1) the application of project-based learning models can be implemented effectively, (2) a conducive learning environment, (3) learning-oriented students, and (4) enthusiasm and activeness of students has shown total increase of completeness number of all the classical realm can reach above 85%. Besides achieve improved learning outcomes, the learning process in the classroom became more favorable after the implementation of this project-based learning model, students become more active in supporting the learning process, so that learning becomes more convenient.
Where classical completeness percentage increase from the first cycle to the second cycle in the affective domain of 16.02%, 37.5% cognitive and psychomotor amounted to 26.25%. Things like this are integral to the theory underlying the application of learning models project-based learning, in which the learning process students are not expected to just listen, take notes, and then memorize the subject matter, but the model of project-based learning every student is forced to be more active thinking and acting, communicate, find and process the data, and finally concluded.
Based on the results of the action on the first cycle and the second cycle can be said that the application of the model Project Based Learning can increase learning outcomes of students of economics faculty office administration of Surabaya in the course of public relations.

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